Jaffle tutorial for Strudel

This tutorial is based on the Strudel workshop, adapted for the Jaffle interface.

Please note that Jaffle is a generic graphical interface, which is not specifically designed to be used with Strudel (to produce sound): it can also be used with Hydra (to produce video) or other projects. But making sound with Jaffle is funny, so let’s start with that. Other tutorial might be created later.


Welcome to the Strudel documentation pages!

You’ve come to the right place if you want to learn how to make music with code, using a graphical interface.

What is Strudel?

With Strudel, you can expressively write dynamic music pieces.

It is an official port of the Tidal Cycles pattern language to JavaScript.

Jaffle on its side is a graphical interface that generates an execute this JavaScript code, in order to make this more accessible.

You don’t need to know JavaScript or Tidal Cycles to make music with Strudel. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of Strudel.

The best place to actually make music with Strudel is the Strudel REPL, and the best place to make music with Jaffle is the Jaffle editor.

What can you do with Strudel?


Here is an example of how strudel can look on Jaffle:

- stack:
  - s: _bd,[~ <sd!3 sd(3,4,2)>],hh*8
  - .speed:
    - Perlin:
    - .range: [.8, .9] # random sample speed variation

  # bassline
  - _<a1 b1\*2 a1(3,8) e2>
  - .off:
    - 1/8
    - set:
    - .add: 12
    - .degradeBy: .5 # random octave jumps
  - .add:
    - Perlin:
    - .range: [0, .5] # random pitch variation
  - .superimpose:
    - add: .05 # add second, slightly detuned voice
  - .note: # wrap in "note"
  - .decay: .15
  - .sustain: 0 # make each note of equal length
  - .s: sawtooth # waveform
  - .gain: .4 # turn down
  - .cutoff:
    - Sine:
    - .slow: 7
    - .range: [300, 5000] # automate cutoff

  # chords
  - _<Am7!3 <Em7 E7b13 Em7 Ebm7b5>>
  - .voicings: lefthand
  - .superimpose:
    - set: x
    - .add: .04 # add second, slightly detuned voice
  - .add:
    - Perlin:
    - .range: [0, .5] # random pitch variation
  - .note: # wrap in "note"
  - .s: sawtooth # waveform
  - .gain: .16 # turn down
  - .cutoff: 500 # fixed cutoff
  - .attack: 1 # slowly fade in

- .slow: =3/2

Which is rendered like this on the node interface:

To hear more, go to the Jaffle editor and select an example from the menu (top-right button).

Getting Started

The best way to start learning Strudel with Jaffle is this tutorial. If you’re ready to dive in, let’s start with your first sounds.

First Sounds

This is the first chapter of the Jaffle Strudel tutorial, nice to have you on board!

Code Fields

Unlike the Strudel workshop, this tutorial is not interactive yet: you need to copy-paste code on the Jaffle editor. Also, copy-pasting Jaffle tunes on the node editor is not possible yet, so you must switch to the Yaml editor, paste code, then switch to the Node editor. It is recommended have the Jaffle editor opened on an other tab.

Let’s try with this simple code:

- sound: casio
  1. select the code above, the copy it (ctrl-c)
  2. go to the Jaffle editor
  3. switch to the Yaml tab
  4. replace current code with the clipboard content (ctrl-a, ctrl-v)
  5. switch to the Node tab

The node editor should display this:


  1. press ctrl+enter to play
  2. change casio to metal
  3. press ctrl+enter to update
  4. press ctrl+. to stop

Congratulations, you are now live coding!


We have just played a sound with sound like this:

- sound: casio

casio is one of many standard sounds.

Try out a few other sounds:

You might hear a little pause while the sound is loading.

Change Sample Number with :

One Sound can contain multiple samples (audio files).

You can select the sample by appending : followed by a number to the name:

- sound: _casio:1

The _ prefix belongs to the Jaffle syntax: it is used to specify that the text is a mini-notation (more on this later) and to avoid conflicts with the yaml syntax.

Try different sound / sample number combinations.

Not adding a number is like doing :0

Now you know how to use different sounds. For now we’ll stick to this little selection of sounds, but we’ll find out how to load your own sounds later.

Drum Sounds

By default, Strudel comes with a wide selection of drum sounds:

- sound: _bd hh sd oh

These letter combinations stand for different parts of a drum set:

Try out different drum sounds!

To change the sound character of our drums, we can use bank to change the drum machine:

- sound: _bd hh sd oh
- .bank: RolandTR909

In this example RolandTR909 is the name of the drum machine that we’re using. It is a famous drum machine for house and techno beats.

Try changing RolandTR909 to one of

There are a lot more, but let’s keep it simple for now

đŸĻĨ Pro-Tip: Mark a name via double click. Then just copy and paste!


In the last example, we already saw that you can play multiple sounds in a sequence by separating them with a space:

- sound: _bd hh sd hh

Try adding more sounds to the sequence!

The longer the sequence, the faster it runs

- sound: _bd bd hh bd rim bd hh bd

The content of a sequence will be squished into what’s called a cycle.

One way to change the tempo is using cpm

- sound: _bd bd hh bd rim bd hh bd
- .cpm: 40

cpm = cycles per minute

By default, the tempo is 60 cycles per minute = 1 cycle per second.

We will look at other ways to change the tempo later!

Add a rests in a sequence with ‘~’

- sound: _bd hh ~ rim

Sub-Sequences with [brackets]

- sound: _bd [hh hh] sd [hh bd]

Try adding more sounds inside a bracket!

Similar to the whole sequence, the content of a sub-sequence will be squished to the its own length.

Multiplication: Speed things up

- sound: _bd hh*2 rim hh*3

Multiplication: Speed up sequences

- sound: _bd [hh rim]*2

Multiplication: Speeeeeeeeed things up

- sound: _bd hh*16 rim hh*8

Pitch = really fast rhythm

Sub-Sub-Sequences with [[brackets]]

- sound: _bd [[rim rim] hh]

You can go as deep as you want!

Play sequences in parallel with comma

- sound: _hh hh hh, bd casio

You can use as many commas as you want:

- sound: _hh hh hh, bd bd, ~ casio

Commas can also be used inside sub-sequences:

- sound: _hh hh hh, bd [bd,casio]

Notice how the 2 above are the same?

It is quite common that there are many ways to express the same idea.

Multiple Lines

- sound: |
    _bd*2, ~ cp, 
     ~ ~ ~ oh, hh*4,
     [~ casio]*2    

The | sign on the first line belongs to the yaml syntax and allows to use a multi-line value, which must be indented with 4 spaces.

selecting sample numbers separately

Instead of using “:”, we can also use the n function to select sample numbers:

- n: _0 1 [4 2] 3*2
- .sound: jazz

This is shorter and more readable than:

- sound: _jazz:0 jazz:1 [jazz:4 jazz:2] jazz:3*2


Now we’ve learned the basics of the so called Mini-Notation, the rhythm language of Tidal. This is what we’ve leared so far:

Concept Syntax Example
Sequence space - sound: _bd bd sd hh
Sample Number :x - sound: _hh:0 hh:1 hh:2 hh:3
Rests ~ - sound: _metal ~ jazz jazz:1
Sub-Sequences [, ] - sound: _bd wind [metal jazz] hh
Sub-Sub-Sequences [[, ]] - sound: _bd [metal [jazz sd]]
Speed up * - sound: _bd sd*2 cp*3
Parallel , - sound: _bd*2, hh*2 [hh oh]

The Mini-Notation is usually used inside some function. These are the functions we’ve seen so far:

Name Description Example
sound plays the sound of the given name - sound: _bd sd
bank selects the sound bank [sound: _bd sd, .bank: RolandTR909]
cpm sets the tempo in cycles per minute [sound: _bd sd, .cpm: 90]
n select sample number [n: _0 1 4 2, .sound: jazz]


Basic rock beat

- sound: _bd sd, hh*4
- .bank: RolandTR505
- .cpm: =100/2

Note: the = prefix on the last line belongs to the Jaffle syntax: it means that the following text is an arithmetic expression.

Classic house

- sound: _bd*2, ~ cp, [~ hh]*2
- .bank: RolandTR909

Notice that the two patterns are extremely similar. Certain drum patterns are reused across genres.

We Will Rock you

- sound: _bd*2 cp
- .bank: RolandTR707
- .cpm: =81/2

Yellow Magic Orchestra - Firecracker

- sound: _bd sd, ~ ~ ~ hh ~ hh ~ ~, ~ perc ~ perc:1*2
- .bank: RolandCompurhythm1000

Imitation of a 16 step sequencer

- sound: |
    _[~  ~  oh ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ],
     [hh hh ~  ~ ] [hh ~  hh ~ ] [hh ~  hh ~ ] [hh ~  hh ~ ],
     [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [cp ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [cp ~  ~  ~ ],
     [bd ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  bd] [~  ~  bd ~ ] [~  ~  ~  bd]    
- .cpm: '=90/4'

Another one

- sound: |
    _[~  ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  oh:1 ~ ],
     [hh hh hh hh] [hh hh hh hh] [hh hh hh hh] [hh hh ~  ~ ],
     [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [cp ~  ~  ~ ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ] [~  cp ~  ~ ],
     [bd bd ~  ~ ] [~  ~  bd ~ ] [bd bd ~ bd ] [~  ~  ~  ~ ]    
- .bank: RolandTR808
- .cpm: =88/4

Not your average drums

- s: |
     insect [crow metal] ~ ~,
     ~ space:4 ~ space:1,
     ~ wind    
- .cpm: =100/2

Now that we know the basics of how to make beats, let’s look at how we can play notes

First Notes

Let’s look at how we can play notes

numbers and notes

play notes with numbers

- note: _48 52 55 59
- .sound: piano

Try out different numbers!

Try decimal numbers, like 55.5

play notes with letters

- note: _c e g b
- .sound: piano

Try out different letters (a - g).

Can you find melodies that are actual words? Hint: ☕ 😉 âšĒ

add flats or sharps to play the black keys

flats b:

- note: _db eb gb ab bb
- .sound: piano

sharps #:

- note: _c# d# f# g# a#
- .sound: piano

play notes with letters in different octaves

- note: _c2 e3 g4 b5
- .sound: piano

Try out different octaves (1-8)

If you are not comfortable with the note letter system, it should be easier to use numbers instead. Most of the examples below will use numbers for that reason. We will also look at ways to make it easier to play the right notes later.

changing the sound

Just like with unpitched sounds, we can change the sound of our notes with sound:

- note: _36 43, 52 59 62 64
- .sound: piano

Try out different sounds:

switch between sounds

- note: _48 67 63 [62, 58]
- .sound: _piano gm_electric_guitar_muted

stack multiple sounds

- note: _48 67 63 [62, 58]
- .sound: _piano, gm_electric_guitar_muted

The note and sound patterns are combined!

We will see more ways to combine patterns later..

Longer Sequences

Divide sequences with / to slow them down

- note: _[36 34 41 39]/4
- .sound: gm_acoustic_bass

The /4 plays the sequence in brackets over 4 cycles (=4s).

So each of the 4 notes is 1s long.

Try adding more notes inside the brackets and notice how it gets faster.

Because it is so common to just play one thing per cycle, you can…

Play one per cycle with < and >

- note: _<36 34 41 39>
- .sound: gm_acoustic_bass

Try adding more notes inside the brackets and notice how it does not get faster.

Play one sequence per cycle

- note: _<[36 48]*4 [34 46]*4 [41 53]*4 [39 51]*4>/2
- .sound: gm_acoustic_bass

Alternate between multiple things

- note: _60 <63 62 65 63>
- .sound: gm_xylophone

This is also useful for unpitched sounds:

- sound: _bd*2, ~ <sd cp>, [~ hh]*2
- .bank: RolandTR909


Finding the right notes can be difficult… Scales are here to help:

- n: _0 2 4 <[6,8] [7,9]>
- .scale: _C:minor
- .sound: piano

Try out different numbers. Any number should sound good!

Try out different scales:

Automate scales

Just like anything, we can automate the scale with a pattern:

- n: _<0 -3>, 2 4 <[6,8] [7,9]>
- .scale: _<C:major D:mixolydian>/4
- .sound: piano

If you have no idea what these scale mean, don’t worry. These are just labels for different sets of notes that go well together.

Take your time and you’ll find scales you like!

Repeat & Elongate

Elongate with @

- note: _c@3 eb
- .sound: gm_acoustic_bass

Not using @ is like using @1. In the above example, c is 3 units long and eb is 1 unit long.

Try changing that number!

Elongate within sub-sequences

- n: _<[4@2 4] [5@2 5] [6@2 6] [5@2 5]>*2
- .scale: _<C2:mixolydian F2:mixolydian>/4
- .sound: gm_acoustic_bass

This groove is called a shuffle.

Each beat has two notes, where the first is twice as long as the second.

This is also sometimes called triplet swing. You’ll often find it in blues and jazz.


- note: _c!2 [eb,<g a bb a>]
- .sound: piano

Try switching between !, * and @

What’s the difference?


Let’s recap what we’ve learned in this chapter:

Concept Syntax Example
Slow down / - note: _[c a f e]/2
Alternate <, > - note: _c <e g>
Elongate @ - note: _c@3 e
Replicate ! - note: _c!3 e

New functions:

Name Description Example
note set pitch as number or letter [ note: _b g e c, .sound: piano ]
scale interpret n as scale degree [ n: _6 4 2 0, .scale: _C:minor, .sound: piano ]
stack play patterns in parallel (read on) - stack: [ s: _bd sd, note: _c eb g ]


Classy Bassline

- note: _<[c2 c3]*4 [bb1 bb2]*4 [f2 f3]*4 [eb2 eb3]*4>/2
- .sound: gm_synth_bass_1
- .lpf: 800 # <-- we'll learn about this soon

Classy Melody

- n: |
    _<[~ 0] 2 [0 2] [~ 2]
      [~ 0] 1 [0 1] [~ 1]
      [~ 0] 3 [0 3] [~ 3]
      [~ 0] 2 [0 2] [~ 2]
- .scale: _C4:minor
- .sound: gm_synth_strings_1

Classy Drums

- sound: _bd*2, ~ <sd cp>, [~ hh]*2
- .bank: RolandTR909

If there just was a way to play all the above at the same time…….

It’s called stack 😙

- stack:
  - note: _<[c2 c3]*4 [bb1 bb2]*4 [f2 f3]*4 [eb2 eb3]*4>/2
  - .sound: gm_synth_bass_1
  - .lpf: 800

  - n: |
      [~ 0] 2 [0 2] [~ 2]
      [~ 0] 1 [0 1] [~ 1]
      [~ 0] 3 [0 3] [~ 3]
      [~ 0] 2 [0 2] [~ 2]
  - .scale: _C4:minor
  - .sound: gm_synth_strings_1

  - sound: _bd*2, ~ <sd cp>, [~ hh]*2
  - .bank: RolandTR909

This is starting to sound like actual music! We have sounds, we have notes, now the last piece of the puzzle is missing: effects

First Effects

We have sounds, we have notes, now let’s look at effects!

Some basic effects

low-pass filter

- note: _<[c2 c3]*4 [bb1 bb2]*4 [f2 f3]*4 [eb2 eb3]*4>/2
- .sound: sawtooth
- .lpf: 800

lpf = low pass filter

pattern the filter

- note: _<[c2 c3]*4 [bb1 bb2]*4 [f2 f3]*4 [eb2 eb3]*4>/2
- .sound: sawtooth
- .lpf: _200 1000

We will learn how to automate with waves later…


- note: _<[c3,g3,e4] [bb2,f3,d4] [a2,f3,c4] [bb2,g3,eb4]>/2
- .sound: sawtooth
- .vowel: _<a e i o>/2


- stack:
  - sound: _hh*8
  - .gain: _[.25 1]*2

  - sound: _bd*2,~ sd:1

Rhythm is all about dynamics!

stacks within stacks

Let’s combine all of the above into a little tune:

- stack:
  - stack:
    - sound: _hh*8
    - .gain: _[.25 1]*2
    - sound: _bd*2,~ sd:1

  - note: _<[c2 c3]*4 [bb1 bb2]*4 [f2 f3]*4 [eb2 eb3]*4>/2
  - .sound: sawtooth
  - .lpf: _200 1000

  - note: _<[c3,g3,e4] [bb2,f3,d4] [a2,f3,c4] [bb2,g3,eb4]>/2
  - .sound: sawtooth
  - .vowel: _<a e i o>/2

Try to identify the individual parts of the stacks, pay attention to where the commas are. The 3 parts (drums, bassline, chords) are exactly as earlier, just stacked together, separated by comma.

shape the sound with an adsr envelope

- note: _<c3 bb2 f3 eb3>
- .sound: sawtooth
- .lpf: 600
- .attack: .1
- .decay: .1
- .sustain: .25
- .release: .2

Try to find out what the numbers do… Compare the following

Can you guess what they do?


adsr short notation

- note: _<c3 bb2 f3 eb3>
- .sound: sawtooth
- .lpf: 600
- .adsr: _.1:.1:.5:.2


- stack:
  - note: _~ [<[d3,a3,f4]!2 [d3,bb3,g4]!2> ~]
  - .sound: gm_electric_guitar_muted

  - sound: _<bd rim>
  - .bank: RolandTR707
- .delay: _.5

Try some delay values between 0 and 1. Btw, .5 is short for 0.5

What happens if you use .delay: _.8:.125 ? Can you guess what the second number does?

What happens if you use .delay: _.8:.06:.8 ? Can you guess what the third number does?

delay: _a:b:c:

room aka reverb

- n: _<4 [3@3 4] [<2 0> ~@16] ~>/2
- .scale: _D4:minor
- .sound: _gm_accordion:2
- .room: 2

Try different values!

Add a delay too!

little dub tune

- stack:
  - note: _~ [<[d3,a3,f4]!2 [d3,bb3,g4]!2> ~]
  - .sound: gm_electric_guitar_muted
  - .delay: .5

  - sound: _<bd rim>
  - .bank: RolandTR707
  - .delay: .5

  - n: _<4 [3@3 4] [<2 0> ~@16] ~>/2
  - .scale: _D4:minor
  - .sound: _gm_accordion:2
  - .room: 2
  - .gain: .5

Let’s add a bass to make this complete:

- stack:
  - note: _~ [<[d3,a3,f4]!2 [d3,bb3,g4]!2> ~]
  - .sound: gm_electric_guitar_muted
  - .delay: .5

  - sound: _<bd rim>
  - .bank: RolandTR707
  - .delay: .5

  - n: _<4 [3@3 4] [<2 0> ~@16] ~>/2
  - .scale: _D4:minor
  - .sound: _gm_accordion:2
  - .room: 2
  - .gain: .4

  - n: _<0 [~ 0] 4 [3 2] [0 ~] [0 ~] <0 2> ~>*2
  - .scale: _D2:minor
  - .sound: _sawtooth,triangle
  - .lpf: 800

Try adding .hush() at the end of one of the patterns in the stack…


- sound: _numbers:1 numbers:2 numbers:3 numbers:4
- .pan: _0 0.3 .6 1
- .slow: 2


- sound: _bd rim
- .speed: _<1 2 -1 -2>
- .room: .2

fast and slow

We can use fast and slow to change the tempo of a pattern outside of Mini-Notation:

- sound: _bd*2,~ rim
- .slow: 2

Change the slow value. Try replacing it with fast.

What happens if you use a pattern like .fast("<1 [2 4]>")?

By the way, inside Mini-Notation, fast is * and slow is /.

- sound: _[bd*2,~ rim]*<1 [2 4]>

automation with signals

Instead of changing values stepwise, we can also control them with signals:

- sound: _hh*16
- .gain:
  - Sine:

Note that on Jaffle, signals are written with a capital first letter.

The basic waveforms for signals are Sine, Saw, Square, Tri 🌊.

Try also random signals Rand and Perlin!

The gain is visualized as transparency in the pianoroll.

setting a range

By default, waves oscillate between 0 to 1. We can change that with range:

- sound: _hh*8
- .lpf:
  - Saw:
  - .range: [500, 2000]

What happens if you flip the range values?

We can change the automation speed with slow / fast:

- note: _<[c2 c3]*4 [bb1 bb2]*4 [f2 f3]*4 [eb2 eb3]*4>/2
- .sound: sawtooth
- .lpf:
  - Sine:
  - .range: [100, 2000]
  - .slow: 8

The whole automation will now take 8 cycles to repeat.


name example
lpf [ note: _c2 c3, .s: sawtooth, .lpf: _<400 2000> ]
vowel [ note: _c3 eb3 g3, .s: sawtooth, .vowel: _<a e i o> ]
gain [ s: _hh*8, .gain: '_[.25 1]*2' ]
delay [ s: _bd rim, .delay: .5 ]
room [ s: _bd rim, .room: .5 ]
pan [ s: _bd rim, .pan: _0 1 ]
speed [ s: _bd rim, .speed: _<1 2 -1 -2> ]
range [ s: _hh*16, .lpf: [ Saw: , .range: [200, 4000] ] ]

Let us now take a look at some of Tidal’s typical pattern effects.

Pattern Effects

Up until now, most of the functions we’ve seen are what other music programs are typically capable of: sequencing sounds, playing notes, controlling effects.

In this chapter, we are going to look at functions that are more unique to tidal.

reverse patterns with rev

- n: _0 1 [4 3] 2
- .sound: jazz
- .rev:

play pattern left and modify it right with jux

- n: _0 1 [4 3] 2
- .sound: jazz
- .jux: [ rev: ]

This is the same as:

- stack:
  - n: _0 1 [4 3] 2
  - .sound: jazz
  - .pan: 0

  - n: _0 1 [4 3] 2
  - .sound: jazz
  - .pan: 1
  - .rev:

Let’s visualize what happens here:

- stack:

  - n: _0 1 [4 3] 2
  - .sound: jazz
  - .pan: 0
  - .color: cyan

  - n: _0 1 [4 3] 2
  - .sound: jazz
  - .pan: 1
  - .color: majenta
  - .rev:

Try commenting out one of the two by adding # before each line of a block

multiple tempos

- note: _c2, eb3 g3 [bb3 c4]
- .sound: piano
- .slow: _1,2,3

This is like doing

- stack:
  - note: _c2, eb3 g3 [bb3 c4]
  - .s: piano
  - .slow: 1
  - .color: cyan

  - note: _c2, eb3 g3 [bb3 c4]
  - .s: piano
  - .slow: 2
  - .color: magenta

  - note: _c2, eb3 g3 [bb3 c4]
  - .s: piano
  - .slow: 3
  - .color: yellow

Try commenting out one or more by adding # before each line of a block


- note:
  - _c2 [eb3,g3]
  - .add: _<0 <1 -1>>
- .color: _<cyan <magenta yellow>>
- .adsr: _[.1 0]:.2:[1 0]
- .sound: _gm_acoustic_bass
- .room: .5

If you add a number to a note, the note will be treated as if it was a number

We can add as often as we like:

- note:
  - _c2 [eb3,g3]
  - .add: _<0 <1 -1>>
- .add: _0,7
- .color: _<cyan <magenta yellow>>
- .adsr: _[.1 0]:.2:[1 0]
- .sound: gm_acoustic_bass
- .room: .5

add with scale

- n:
  - _<0 [2 4] <3 5> [~ <4 1>]>*2
  - .add: _<0 [0,2,4]>/4
- .scale: _C5:minor
- .release: .5
- .sound: gm_xylophone
- .room: .5

time to stack

- stack:
  - n:
    - _<0 [2 4] <3 5> [~ <4 1>]>*2
    - .add: _<0 [0,2,4]>/4
  - .scale: _C5:minor
  - .sound: gm_xylophone
  - .room: .4
  - .delay: .125

  - note:
    - _c2 [eb3,g3]
    - .add: _<0 <1 -1>>
  - .adsr: _[.1 0]:.2:[1 0]
  - .sound: gm_acoustic_bass
  - .room: .5

  - n: _0 1 [2 3] 2
  - .sound: jazz
  - .jux: [ rev: ]
  - .slow: 2


- sound: _hh, bd rim
- .bank: RolandTR707
- .ply: 2

this is like writing:

- sound: _hh*2, bd*2 rim*2
- .bank: RolandTR707

Try patterning the ply function, for example using _<1 2 1 3>


- n:
  - _<0 [4 <3 2>] <2 3> [~ 1]>
  - .off: [ =1/8, set: , .add: 4 ]
# - .off: [ =1/4, set: , .add: 7 ]
- .scale: _<C5:minor Db5:mixolydian>/4
- .s: triangle
- .room: .5
- .ds: _.1:0
- .delay: .5

off is also useful for sounds:

- s: _bd sd,[~ hh]*2
- .bank: CasioRZ1
- .off: [ =1/8, [ set: , .speed: 1.5, .gain: .25 ] ]
name description example
rev reverse [ n: _0 2 4 6, .scale: _C:minor, .rev: ]
jux split left/right, modify right [ n: _0 2 4 6, .scale: _C:minor, .jux: [ rev: ] ]
add add numbers / notes [ n: [ _0 2 4 6, .add: _<0 1 2 1> ], .scale: _C:minor ]
ply speed up each event n times [ s: _bd sd, .ply: _<1 2 3> ]
off copy, shift time & modify [ s: '_bd sd, hh*4', .off: [ =1/8, set: , .speed: 2 ] ]

Workshop Recap

This part is just a listing of all functions covered in the workshop!

Mini Notation

Concept Syntax Example
Sequence space - sound: _bd bd sd hh
Sample Number :x - sound: _hh:0 hh:1 hh:2 hh:3
Rests ~ - sound: _metal ~ jazz jazz:1
Sub-Sequences [, ] - sound: _bd wind [metal jazz] hh
Sub-Sub-Sequences [[, ]] - sound: _bd [metal [jazz sd]]
Speed up * - sound: _bd sd*2 cp*3
Parallel , - sound: _bd*2, hh*2 [hh oh]
Slow down / - note: _[c a f e]/2
Alternate <, > - note: _c <e g>
Elongate @ - note: _c@3 e
Replicate ! - note: _c!3 e


Name Description Example
sound plays the sound of the given name [ sound: _bd sd ]
bank selects the sound bank [ sound: _bd sd, .bank: RolandTR909 ]
n select sample number [ n: _0 1 4 2, .sound: jazz ]


Name Description Example
note set pitch as number or letter [ note: _b g e c, .sound: piano ]
n + scale set note in scale [ n: _6 4 2 0, .scale: _C:minor, .sound: piano ]
stack play patterns in parallel [ stack: [ s: _bd sd, note: _c eb g ] ]

Audio Effects

name example
lpf [ note: _c2 c3, .s: sawtooth, .lpf: _<400 2000> ]
vowel [ note: _c3 eb3 g3, .s: sawtooth, .vowel: _<a e i o> ]
gain [ s: _hh*8, .gain: '_[.25 1]*2' ]
delay [ s: _bd rim, .delay: .5 ]
room [ s: _bd rim, .room: .5 ]
pan [ s: _bd rim, .pan: _0 1 ]
speed [ s: _bd rim, .speed: _<1 2 -1 -2> ]
range [ s: _hh*16, .lpf: [Saw: , .range: [200, 4000] ] ]

Pattern Effects

name description example
cpm sets the tempo in cycles per minute [ sound: _bd sd, .cpm: 90 ]
fast speed up [ sound: _bd sd, .fast: 2 ]
slow slow down [ sound: _bd sd, .slow: 2 ]
rev reverse [ n: _0 2 4 6, .scale: _C:minor, .rev: ]
jux split left/right, modify right [ n: _0 2 4 6, .scale: _C:minor, .jux: [ rev: ] ]
add add numbers / notes [ n: [ _0 2 4 6, .add: _<0 1 2 1> ], .scale: _C:minor ]
ply speed up each event n times [ s: _bd sd, .ply: _<1 2 3> ]
off copy, shift time & modify [ s: '_bd sd, hh*4', .off: [ =1/8, set: , .speed: 2 ] ]